Broadland House Old Girls Association fund Raising Events
On behalf of the Broadland Old Girls Association Committee I wish to thank everyone who helped in raising funds for the Broadland Window in the Grammar Chapel.. The Garage and Boot Sales, along with the Embroidery and Fine Arts Exhibition raised in excess of $7,000.00.
‘Embroidery and Fine Arts Exhibition’ Friday 29 September – Sunday 01 October 2017
A seed of an idea by Diggy Cleary to raise some money for the Broadland House Old Girls Association for the beautiful stain glass window to be placed in The Grammar School Chapel.
Old scholars and family friends were approached to exhibit their artistic endeavours, after looking at the embroideries, tapestries, paintings, quilts and crafty creatures, the project was underway.
So began the Embroidery and Fine Arts endeavour, held at 10 Lyttleton Street, in the Resource Centre 29th September to 1st October, 2017.
Diggy gave many talented Old Girls a venue to show off their art pieces, often hidden from view in private homes, finally shown to friends and the public to enjoy.
Friendships were renewed, the joy of putting a name to a former class room friend, better still to be remembered, tales of student days, and our thoughts on how our Broadland Campus had changed.
Headmistresses who shaped our lives, and sent us forth to become what we are in today’s society, and we can report all who worked on this project were delightful, energetic ladies.
The profit from entry to Exhibition and the wonderful hand made items on the Trade Table lead by Lesley Buchanan. A cheque was presented to President of Old Girls Association, Dona Bradley at the conclusion of Exhibition.
We are indeed very proud to say we attended Broadland House, “an Establishment for Young Ladies.
Report written by Judith Reid
3 October 2017
1. Setting up: Helen Statham & Yvonne Adkins
2. Headmistress Mrs Jane King, Lesley Buchanan, Diggy Cleary, Dona Bradley
Perhaps the apron material in photo 3 looks familiar?
Twelve aprons were made, thanks to Rosemary Stobart (Willis) from two bolts of Broadland uniform material found in the archives. Whilst not for sale the aprons will be worn at future Broadland fund raising and/or catering events.
Many Old Girls and their families rallied when the word spread that the Broadland OGA were raising funds for a Broadland Window in the Grammar Chapel.
So it's goodbye to our houses filled with donations, goodbye to lifting heavy boxes, finding tables, sitting on the footpath chatting, placing ads etc. Its been fun and of course a few glasses of celebratory champagne helped. Unsold items were donated to the City Mission in Launceston.
Images from the 2nd garage sale on Saturday 25th February in Launceston. Donated items filled 4 rooms.
Tally Count: Having a well earned rest while Audrey, Dona, Elizabeth and Jenny await the result.