The Broadland Window
in the
Launceston Church Grammar School Chapel
In June 2016 the journey began towards raising funds for a Broadland Window in the Grammar Chapel.
On behalf of the Broadland House Old Girls Committee I am delighted to report that due to the generosity of Broadland House families the required funds were raised in 632 days.
The Bishop of Tasmania, The Right Reverend Richard Condie dedicated the Broadland Window in the Grammar Chapel on Thursday 15 March 2018, assisted by Reverend Jo Pyecroft and Chaplain Reverend Paul Grayston
I wish I could relate to you in words the sense of emotion in the Chapel on that very wet and cold Thursday. Nothing could mar the celebration.....................
Yes there were tears.
Tears of happiness.
Hugs abounded and there was a sense of belonging, a joining of the past and the present and one of healing.
Our Broadland School song has never been sung with such pride.
The Chapel filled with two hundred guests including Launceston Church Grammar prefects, students and the Broadland Voices Choir, many of whom are descendants of Broadland Old Girls..
The Broadland Window in the Grammar Chapel will be a lasting memorial to Broadland, a window of healing, caring and forgiveness and of looking to the future, one of Christian love, care and education and its continuation through the present school.
My sincerest thanks to my incredible 2017-2018 committee Ann Fysh, Jenni Bell, Joan McLean, Rachel Peck-Israel, Heather Ranson, Elizabeth Robins, Rosemary Stobart and Audrey Youl.
To countless Old Girls and supporters, members of the Grammar Board of Management, retired Headmaster Mr Stephen Norris, Headmaster Mr Richard Ford and his staff my humble and sincerest thanks. This includes everyone of you who have worked tirelessly towards this goal, and accompanied us on this journey and who believed the dream of a Broadland Window in the Grammar Chapel was possible.
Warmest regards
Dona Bradley
Broadland House Old Girls Association
Date: March 2018
Unknown Donors
ADKINS Yvonne (Firkins)
Anonymous x 4
ARTHUR Thea (Oldham)
BAIN Lynn (Thomas) and family
BANKS Doris (Ingram)
BARRINGTON-HIGGS Adrienne (Travers)
BARNETT Nola (McKercher)
BELL Jenni (Rowell)
BENNETT Jill (Dehnert)
BESTER Penelope (Roberts)
BOND Helen
BOOTH Lucinda (Smith)
BRADLEY Dona (Drake)
BUCKNELL Toni (Bridley)
BURTON Dawn (Harris)
CANNON Enid (Franklin)
CARINS Christine (Andrews)
CARSWELL Sharon (Bracken)
CATTENACCI Jenny (Holyman)
CHARNOCK Susie (Archer)
CHILDS Bobby (Cheek)
CORNISH Mary (Ikin)
COSTELLO Mitty (Coupe)
CRAWFORD Bobby (Stevenson)
CRISP Rhonda (Wildman)
CRISP Margaret
DAVIS Lorraine (Aylett)
DAY Penny (Green)
DELL Jenny
DENNIS Shirley (Titmus)
DENT Mary (Wilson)
DOWLING Catriona (McNeil)
DOWLING Mary (Archer)
De REUS Angela (Woodman)
DOBSON Juin (Best)
DUCK Sandra (Davis)
ELRINGTON Deb (Robinson)
FERGUSON Lucy (Green)
FINDLAY Tikki (Stevens)
FLORANCE Elizabeth (von Steiglitz)
FOCKEN Sue (Coombe)
FRANCIS Pam (Barton)
FROST Georgina
FROST Jan (McGrath)
FROST Karen (Baldwin)
FYSH Ann (Sherwin)
GASON Tricia (Waldron)
GILL Jenny
GRANT Annabelle (Brown)
GRAY Diana (Archer)
GRAY Robert (in loving memory of his sister Nola Baron - Gray)
GREEN Beverley (Clear)
GREEN Pru (Robinson)
GREIG Peg (Hewitt)
GUTCHER Barbara (Lees)
GUY Sandra (Ramsay)
HARRIS Caroline (Fletcher) 'Woo'
HARRISON Althea (Jones)
HARTHEN Pat (Bailey)
HIRST Rosemary (Page)
HEWITT Judith (Eddie)
HOGARTH Mardi (Frost)
HOLYMAN Sally (Swan)
IKIN Robin (Little)
JAMESON Julianne (Browning)
JOHN Marlene (Wise)
JOHNSTON Marlene (Stokes)
JONES Helen (Barber)
JONGBLOED Diana (Cuff)
KEAN Penny (Cleary)
KERRISON Pat (Wiltshire)
KIDD Jill (Ross Reynolds)
LANGDON Peggy (Jones)
LAYTON Faith (Docking)
LEE Elizabeth (Cleaver)
LINDSAY Pat (Oliver)
LOCHE-WATERS Judi (Patterson)
LOCKE Vivienne (Tilley)
LYNE Marie (Woolnough)
LYNE Poppy (Bushby)
MACHEN Lynette (Gale)
MacKINNON Di (Roberts)
MANGER Jo (Abey)
MARTIN Maureen (Dawe)
MATSON Margaret (Ferrall)
McDERMOTT Joanne (Drake)
McEWAN Jennifer (Stackhouse)
McEWAN Jo (Brown)
McMURRAY Gladys (French)
McQUESTIN Melanie (Kerrison)
MOORE Peta Lyn (McLiver)
MOYLE Ann (French)
MULLER Doreen (Moon)
NAPIER Jenny (Brodie)
NEWTON Margaret (Scott)
PAECH Dianne (Hodge)
PARSONS Jane (Focken)
PARSONS June (Williams)
PEDLEY Peg (Carrington)
PEUCKER Margaret (Room)
RANSON Heather (Lowe)
REEVES Jennifer (Broadland Teacher)
REEVES Pixie (Johnstone)
ROBERTS Janet (Humphries)
ROBINS Elizabeth (Brickhill)
ROSSITER Heather (Jones)
SCHWABE Alison (Padman)
SCOTT Annabel (Roberts)
SHAW Susan (Jackson)
SKIRVING Jill (Caswell)
SMITH Kathryn Joy (Smith)
SNELL Sarah (Stone)
SONI Margaret (Layton)
STEBBEINGS Gaile (Walkem)
STEPHENSON Jill (Mitchell)
STEWART Mr & Mrs Don
STIRKUL Margaret (Coombe)
STOBART Rosemary (Willis)
The Honourable Warwick L Smith AM
The Honourable Justine Helen Morgan
THOMPSON Katherine (Grove)
THOMPSON Libby (Archer)
THYNE Lou (Hudspeth)
TOWNSEND Rosemary (Pierce)
TREZISE Rosemary (Calvert)
TYESON Kim (Jansson)
WALKER Robin (McGiveron)
WATSON Carol (Rundle)
WHYTE Philippa (Rawson)
WILLCOX Judy (Headlam)
WIVELL Felicity
WRAGG - 'The Wragg Girls Mary, Patricia, Kay, Sue & Helen'
YOUL Audrey (Moore)