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Broadland House Old Girls Association
Broadland Archives - 1984-2023
dedicated in memory of Mrs Aimee Elizabeth 'Bette' Stevenson nee Boatwright
In recognition of her loyal service to the Old Girls Association

1. Broadland Archives
Miss Rooney's
Reception Room circa 1984
Memorabilia Room 1._0006.jpg
Memorabilia Room 2.  P1000583.JPG
Memorabilia Room 2.  P1000581.JPG
2. On the move:
Destination Domestic Science building. (Art Block 2023)
Memorabilia Room 1. Judith Johnson, Bobby Crawford and unknown.jpg
Memorabilia Room 2.  P1000579.JPG
Memorabilia Room 3. Omagh 4..JPG
3. On the move - Destination Omagh
Memorabilia Room 3. Omagh 7..JPG
Memorabilia Room 3. Omagh 3..JPG
4. On the move:
Destination Resource Centre Junior Campus. (Kindergarten 2024)
IMG_0700 Memorabilia Room 2018.JPG
IMG_0709 Memorailia Room 2018.JPG
IMG_0706 Memorabilia Room 2018.JPG
IMG_0707 Memorabilia Room 2018.JPG
5. The contents of the Broadland Archives was moved to a new archival home at the Launceston Church Grammar Senior School on the 11 December 2023 to make space for additional classrooms in the Resource Centre at the Grammar Junior School in Lyttleton Street.
Items on loan have been returned to their original owners.
Over the past 10 years every item in our collection has been catalogued. School registers, photos, furniture, scrap books etc.
Please be assured the contents are safe. It is still important to preserve the history of 'The Best School of all'.
Rosemary and/or myself will do our very best to keep you informed and will do our best to answer your requests for information.

Dona Bradley 18 December 2023

Packed and ready to go to a new home at the Senior Campus.
The large wooden trunk, Abacus, Cane chair, and the Kindergarten birthday, chair will remain and used by the Kindergarten and Prep students in the new refurbished space.

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